Heal the Sick & Preach the Gospel
We train and help send out workers for the Last Days harvest—just as Jesus trained and sent his disciples to preach the gospel in Luke 9 and 10. We train them how to heal the sick and cast out demons consistently as irrefutable & compelling evidence to gospel-resistant people groups that Jesus is the only way to the Father. Those we train can eventually become trainers themselves.
About Us
The Elijah Challenge Illinois began in 2014 when we partnered with the founders of the Elijah Challenge. We beagn hosting traning events in various of States in the United States.
We go and train others how to heal the sick, cast out demons and raise the dead in Jesus name. We do not charge any fees or receive any offerings to train.
Totally blind Hindu woman sees in Jesus’ wondrous name. She and husband both accept Jesus Christ. 11.2022
“For some reason a woman named Jema had been unable to see and was totally blind for a long time. Treatment by a doctor did not help. Then her husband came across our Elijah Challenge workers. He brought Jema to one of our Elijah Challenge house churches where our workers ministered to her in the name of our Messiah Jesus. The Lord then touched her; Jema’s eyesight was miraculously restored. She could see again! Both she and her husband then accepted Jesus Christ as their only Lord and Savior.”.